about US

Breeder based in South Island, NZ

We breed quality, healthy miniature smooth dachshund puppies.

Ashwell Daxies - Miniature Smooth Breeder in New Zealand.

Changing the Way for Dachshund Breeding in New Zealand.

Dachshund puppy icon in black and white.

DNA Testing

All our dogs have comprehensive DNA panels completed at Orivet.

Dachshund puppy icon in black and white.

Importing Genetics

We import both studs and semen for our breeding programme.

Dachshund puppy icon in black and white.

Improving the Lines

By importing, we continue to improve the lines and gene diversity available in New Zealand.

Learn all about cute dachshund puppies on our website and enquire to adopt a dog today.
A great example of dachshund temperament - we’re home to the cheekiest and most playful puppies!

Improving the breed for generations to come.

Importing fresh lines to continue to improve the breed and the longevity of the breed.

We ensure that our puppies only go to the most suitable homes for the breed.


Continued Ongoing Support

Quick responses on messenger

Puppy, dietary and breed information

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Dachshund Puppy with a hat emerging from furniture. A cute addition to your family.